The Return of the Mid-City Community Bike Ride Was a Blast!


June 11th marked the return of the Mid-City Community Bike ride. Over 60 community members from all ages joined as we had so much riding around the Mid-City area!

Along the route we were able to ride through infrastructure that had long been advocated by City Heights CDC and our Built Environment team!

The ride ended at the gathering space Tierra Central where riders were able to enjoy Tacos served by “Don Chuy” from the Avenue Bar & lively music from DJ Mofondo!

While riders enjoyed their tacos they were able to provide feedback on the Anti-Displacement work done by the SR-15 Transportation Equity & Housing Affordability Take force, and also provide feedback on proposed Centerline Decorative Enhancements by CALTRANS. 

Lastly, during the ride participants were provided with an updated Mid-City Community Bike map that we created with Pueblo Planning that highlights black-owned businesses, completed and proposed bike infrastructure in City Heights 

Special thanks to Edgar Ontiveros who took amazing photos that helped document this fun event! 

Thanks also to SANDAG for funding our event and StayTrueCycleWorks for providing bike checks and tune-ups. We would also like to thank the San Diego Bike Coalition for their partnership and ensuring the safety of our riders, and stay tuned for the next Mid-City Community Bike Ride!