Cancer, Eviction, & Isolation—Weekly Food For Neighbors On The Brink


2020 has been a year of…surprises, to say the least.

In just three months we handed out more food than we did in all of 2019, and the demand isn’t slowing down. People are struggling.

Yet while the demand hasn’t slowed, our ability to provide something so simple and essential relies on your giving (thank you!). In fact, we outlined the work and the need for help funding these food deliveries and one generous donor jumped in to pay for an entire month of food for hundreds of people!


After listening to the community, we committed to three key areas of COVID response: food, housing, and economic relief. We chose these because they were the overwhelming requests from the community and because they affect so many other parts of life.

Not much else matters when you’re malnourished, you can’t be healthy and safe without a home, and you can’t live sustainably without income. It’s all connected, and providing pantry support to residents may seem small but it can be a lifeline for struggling neighbors.

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Consider this photo of one resident’s front porch. She’s a mother, a wife, a professional, and she’s battling cancer during a pandemic. To protect her anonymity, we’re only showing her front steps and will avoid using her name, but rest assured she is an incredible individual and someone we’re thrilled to come alongside—but we couldn’t have done much for her without partners and generous supporters like you!

So thank you for everything. Thank you for being such a sustaining, life-giving force for so many neighbors. Thanks for showing up for this community and choosing to give of your time and resources to make sure we all survive. Thanks for being in this with us. We’re grateful.