Emergency Rental Assistance: There Has Never Been A Better Time To Give

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As the entire planet preps for COVID-19 and practices social distancing, we're reminded that many on our team and in our community aren’t able to stay home.

Everyone needs to eat, which means we don't stop (carefully) delivering food.

Everyone needs to make rent next week, and we are making sure they can through our Emergency Rental Assistance program (One Month Away has expanded in response to Covid-19 lock down).

Everyone needs to know they have a place in this community, they belong, and they are cared for, which means our visits to home-bound and senior residents are ongoing.

If you are able, please donate to this effort below.

There has never been a better time than right now to help protect the most vulnerable among us, and 100% of your gift will go toward keeping people fed and safely in their homes.

Thank you to all the professionals out there who have no choice but to work and serve, often on the front lines of this crisis. Thanks to all of you who continue to give and serve and care for this community.

We're grateful, and we're with you.