Meet Thuan, A Community-Minded Musician (Story 1/40)


“Growing up, my grandfather played a big role in my life,” Thuan said. 

This young musician reached out asking if he could donate a portion of his music proceeds toward our work in the community, then he generously offered to share some of his own story of growing up in City Heights!

“Grandpa helped me become comfortable with who I am as a Vietnamese person in the United States. He walked me through the community, hand-in-hand, and would show me the beauty of this place, and I remember him teaching the value of walking and taking transit.”

In fact, one of Thuan’s songs is about the bus he and his grandpa often took as they explored the community, but the favorite way to travel was often on foot. 

“’When you’re driving, you miss so many things’, My grandpa used to say. ‘Slow down and take it in,’ he encouraged me, and he was right—you really do appreciate your community more when you slow down and start to notice the little nuances. What’s around that corner? Where does that road go? Grandpa helped me become curious about my community.” 

Thuan’s grandfather passed away when he was young, but he still practices those values in the community and they inform his creativity as a musician.

“I got a lot of positive peer pressure at Hoover about my music. The choir teacher actually overheard me singing and playing guitar and encouraged me to join the choir; he was so welcoming and I felt really encouraged.”

To support Thuan’s music, all inspired by the City Heights community, click here—and remember, a percentage of the proceeds help with things like our community garden, eviction prevention work, and other essential services in the community!

Thanks to Thuan for sharing so much of his story and artwork here, and thanks to all of you for being community. We’re grateful, and we’re with you,

The City Heights CDC team