"Housing Equals Security"—Maria's Story

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This month, we’re inviting you to help launch a new eviction prevention program called One Month Away. The program will provide a household with one additional month’s rent to help keep them in their homes and off the streets.

One person who has benefited from this kind of work is Maria, a resident of City Heights who was kind enough to share her thoughts on eviction and the housing hustle:

“Hello my name is Maria. I’m a City Heights Resident and I’m here today as a client and to talk about the problems with the high costs of rent.

This is a concern for many families. I know folks who work at car washes, as gardeners, or work in construction who have their work hours partially or totally cut from seasonal changes like rainy weather. 

It becomes alarming because there are months when their income isn’t enough to pay rent.

Housing is important, it equals security. My kids are doing well, but they don’t understand a parent’s responsibilities. They don’t know we have to pay a monthly rent bill on time… My children are very young and they don’t understand the stress or worries we carry.  

I know several families that have left the City Heights area. They actually moved into other family member’s apartments or houses. Entire families moving in with other entire families to share the rent, but it’s not a comfortable living situation.

To all the folks who have the financial privilege to cover all your living expenses, this solves many other problems for you. But when you’re low-income, there are just so many urgent costs or issues bearing down on you.”

We know this isn’t easy to read. Thank you for reading anyway. They’re tough realities faced by people right here in our own community every day, but we’re encouraged by all the people in this community who refuse to give up on helping their neighbors.

So far, you’ve given enough to prevent six evictions this holiday season, and our goal is twenty. Will you help us get a little closer to that goal?