One Month Away—Preventing Evictions in San Diego


You know the feeling…

It gnaws at you, keeps you up at night. Try as you might, you can’t help but stress about that debt, that deadline, those bills, that exam, that thing that just won’t leave you alone.

There are seasons when life just feels hard, and for many of our neighbors in San Diego, it’s nearly unbearable.

It’s no secret we’re facing a housing crisis, and it may be the single greatest threat to our community, to our way of life.

Ten households are evicted per day in San Diego county.

Nearly all of the 90,000 people living on the streets of San Diego county are there because they couldn’t pay their rent.

We hear stories all the time from families who are barely making it. Parents don’t eat so their kids can, then they get notice of a 30% rent increase.

If they just had a little more time they might be able to make it work, to find better work, to make ends meet or even reach stability.

This sacred space called ‘home’ was meant to be a place of safety and relief, instead it’s often a burden, but we can change that.

This holiday season, we’re inviting you, the community, to help 20 families stay in their homes for the holidays. By providing just one additional month’s rent, you help give families options and prevent people from ending up on the street.

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Will you help us reach our goal?

The graphic above shows an apartment building with 20 windows, one for each of the households we hope to keep safe and protect from evictions this holiday season. Each ‘lit’ window represents a family we’ve already helped—we’re making progress!

To help us reach our goal, please go donate here. Your giving keeps families safe!