TEAH Task Force—Mapping Community Assets, Preventing Displacement!


This week, we put asset-mapping and the fight against displacement into the hands of our community!

50+ City Heights residents showed up to identify community assets, share feedback, and offer insights and experiences to help our team and policy makers better prevent displacement. This resident feedback will inform our ongoing work to keep residents and businesses from being pushed out and will influence our Development Without Displacement Values Statement.

The buzz of discussion happened in four different languages (Somali, Arabic, Spanish, English) as table groups filled out their maps, children played all around, and our team and partners facilitated.

The City Heights CDC Transportation & Planning team led the design facilitation, and organizing of the workshop. See our presentation slides and what this is all about by clicking here, and stay tuned for our next State Route 15 Transportation Equity & Affordable Housing (SR-15 TEAH) Task Force anti-displacement event.

Special thanks to the residents of Metro Villas Apartments (one of several housing complexes we manage) for hosting, to San Diego State University’s School of Public Affairs for assisting us with this research, to our friends at PANA (Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans), the City Heights Built Environment Team (BET), and the office of Council President Sean Elo-Rivera for attending, to the United Women of East Africa for providing delicious tea and sambusas, and thank you to the California Air Resources Board for funding the event!