Board Member Highlight: Meet Miriam Rodriguez


This is Miriam, and she knows how it feels.

She knows the fear and anxiety of being an immigrant child to a struggling single mother, so now she welcomes immigrants with open arms.

She knows what it’s like to feel real hunger, so she advocates for better food for kids in schools.

She knows what it’s like to spend hours on a bus every day just to reach a school that will accept her, so she advocates for better education for all children right in their own communities.

She knows what it’s like to be abused, pulled from her home, and put into foster care, so she works to protect children and she invests in educational infrastructure that will help keep children safe.

Miriam knows how this feels because she has lived it, and rather than letting all that struggle pull her down into apathy and silence, she leverages it to serve her community.

She is active, strong, and kind. She has a voice and doesn’t plan on keeping quiet. She is well-known for her work in education across this community, and we are honored to have her serving on our Board of Directors.

“When I meet mothers, first-time immigrants, I think of my mother. I think of how hard it was for my mother, and I realized I could be a resource for immigrants and refugee families.

I have resources, and I use them to serve.”