Economic Development Team Partners with Local Officials and Organizations for a Business Walk on University Ave


Last Thursday, our Economic Development team partnered with the city of San Diego’s Economic Development team, the City Heights Business Association, and Council President Sean Elo-Rivera’s office for a business walk along University Ave. 

The business walk began at Tierra Central, where groups split into various directions, extending from Marlborough Ave to the 805 freeway entrance. Group members were invited to enter the various businesses to greet owners and employees, where they also enjoyed the opportunity to savor foods and learn more about the products sold.

The interactions allowed businessowners to hear directly from the local organizations and people working toward ensuring their long term success in City Heights and San Diego. Through conversation, questions were asked and answered, allowing connections to form - connections we hope lead to longterm partnerships with our neighbors and local businesses. 

Thank you to the business owners for welcoming us and to our partners for helping us make this possible. If you or somebody you know is a business owner, we invite you to send us an inquiry regarding your business-related questions and needs.